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Scientific Council Brazil

Mônica Renneberg Carlesso

A Graduate and Master in Design, PhD student in Knowledge Management Engineering. I have been working in Innovation Projects for over 14 years, articulating the Public Sector, nonprofits and Companies around the creation of more humane and inclusive policies, services and products. More recently, I was a workshop facilitator at the startup WeGov, working on Design Thinking and Service Design training for more than 300 public servers. I have worked as Manager of Educational Technologies and Innovation at the Secretary of State for Education, where I have coordinated the creation of the Space for Training and Experimentation of Educational Technologies, articulating the partnership between FURB and CIEB. Still in this role, it is worth highlighting the coordination of the group that created the Santa Catarina Policy on Educational Technologies and Innovation.

I was an educational consultant at Fundação Telefônica Vivo, articulating actions of the "Connected Schools" project with municipal governments and training more than 100 educators on the use of educational technologies. I have worked for more than 13 years as Project Supervisor at the Educational Technology Multiproject Center (NUTE), linked to the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in institutional projects with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education.