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Scientific Council Brazil

Klaus Schlunzen Junior

A Graduate in Mathematics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, he holds a Master's in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas. Currently a full professor in Informatics and Education at the São Paulo State University - UNESP, with a post-doctoral internship at Universitat de Barcelona and a scholarship at Fundación Carolina. He was also a PQ Research Productivity scholar from 2006 to 2009. Coordinator of the Distance Education Center at UNESP from 2008 to 2018 and Academic Director of the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp) in 2017. He is an effective professor at the Statistics Department, from the Graduate Program in Education at FCT / UNESP, general coordinator of the Professional Master's Program in Network in Inclusive Education (PROFEI) and coordinator of the Promotion Center for Digital, School and Social Inclusion (CPIDES). He has experience in the area of ??Education, with an emphasis on Specific Education Topics, acting mainly on the following themes: Teacher training, Digital and School Inclusion, Technologies in Education, Digital and hybrid education, and Organizational Learning.